The words to this song were sent to me by Mary, a Daisy Girl Scout leader.
There's a hole in the bucket
Dear Liza, Dear Liza
There's a hole in the bucket
Dear Liza a hole

So fix it Dear Henry
Dear Henry, Dear Henry
So fix it Dear Henry
Dear Henry fix it

With what shall I fix it
Dear Liza, Dear Liza
With what shall I fix it
Dear Liza with what

With some stra-a-a-aw Dear Henry
Dear Henry, Dear Henry
With some stra-a-a-aw Dear Henry
Dear Henry with straw

The straw is to lo-o-o-o-o-ong
Dear Liza, Dear Liza
The straw is to lo-o-o-ong
Dear Liza to long

Then cut it Dear Henry
Dear Henry, Dear Henry
Then cut it Dear Henry
Dear Henry cut it

With what shall I cut it
Dear Liza, Dear Liza
With what shall I cut it
Dear Liza with what

With an a-a-a-a-ax Dear Henry
Dear Henry, Dear Henry
With an a-a-ax Dear Henry
Dear Henry with an ax

(by now Liza's hands would be on her hips, and Henry looks like a pitiful
hound dog with a long face)

The ax is to du-u-u-u-u-ll
Dear Liza, Dear Liza
The ax is to du-u-u-u-ll
Dear Liza too dull

Then sharpen it Dear Henry
Dear Henry, Dear Henry
Then sharpen it Dear Henry
Dear Henry sharpen it

With what shall I sharpen it
Dear Liza, Dear Liza
With what shall I sharpen it
Dear Liza with what

(jaw clenched tight, singing through her teeth Liza answers)

With a sto-o-o-ne Dear Henry
Dear Henry, Dear Henry
With a sto-o-o-o-o-ne Dear Henry
Dear Henry with a stone

The stone is to dry-y-y-y-y
Dear Liza, Dear Liza
The stone is to dry-y-y-y-y
Dear Liza to dry

(steam blowing out her ears)

Then wet it Dear Henry
Dear Henry, Dear Henry
Then wet it Dear Henry
Dear Henry wet it

With what shall I wet it
Dear Liza, Dear Liza
With what shall I wet it
Dear Liza with what

(eyes closed about to murder)

With water Dear Henry
Dear Henry, Dear Henry
With water Dear Henry
Dear Henry with water

With what shall I fetch it
Dear Liza, Dear Liza
With what shall I fetch it
Dear Liza with what

(someone better call 911)

With a bucket Dear Henry
Dear Henry, Dear Henry
With a bucket Dear Henry
Dear Henry with a bucket

(whining like he will die without it)

But there's a hole in the bucket Dear Liza
Dear Liza, Dear Liza
There's a hole in the bucket
Dear Liza a hole

(train whistle screams as top of head blows and steam rolling out ears,
ambulance wont make it on time)
