(tune: O Where Has My Little Dog Gone?)
Where, oh where, has my little boy gone?
He's gone a Wolf Cub to be.
Let's give him a hand and we'll help him along.
And soon a Bear Cub he'll be.
Where, oh where has my Wolf Cub gone?
He's gone a Bear Cub to be.
Let's give him a hand and we'll help him along.
And soon a WEBELOS he'll be.
Where, oh where, has my Bear Cub gone?
He's gone a WEBELOS to be.
Let's give him a hand and we'll help him along.
And soon a Boy Scout he'll be.
Where, oh where, has my WEBELOS gone?
He's gone a Boy Scout to be.
Let's give him a hand and we'll help him along.
And he's the best he can be.

    - Bay Area Council Pow Wow, 1994